Greener Home Products

Find more sustainable alternatives for your everyday household items

Our Impact

Tree drawing
Plastic waterbottle image crossed out

1 Tree planted for every product purchased

Products and packaging are free from non-biodegradable plastics

Recycle symbol in the shape of a heart
Wildflowers with small butterflies

Reused and biodegradable packaging

Seed paper company cards to plant and grow wildflowers

Sustainability Quizzes

Want to see if there are more sustainable replacements for the products you use daily? Take a few of our quizzes to discover new products, get thinking about options, and transform your daily routine!

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Sustainability Starter Guides

Small changes in our daily routines and habits can have a tremendous impact if we're all in it together. Remember, there's power in numbers!


Check out our eco-friendly checklists to get started. They're not exhaustive lists by any means, but hopefully they'll give you a great start and get you thinking about ways to go about your day with sustainability in mind.

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