Jim Plonkey, Natural Replacements Founder

Jim Plonkey


Jim Plonkey is a Co-founder of Natural Replacements. A digital marketing professional with a passion for sustainability, Jim lives in Southeast Michigan and enjoys traveling to new places, spending time outdoors - kayaking, hiking, and gardening, and yoga.

As Jim started to learn more about more sustainable alternatives to common products, he found it exciting to share opportunities with his family and friends.

He quickly came to realize two things:

  1. How easy making these positive changes is when you have the right information
  2. How common misleading information is within this industry

Being a marketer, he decided to embark on the journey that became Natural Replacements, focusing on providing helpful information and encouragement to those who have an interest in living more sustainably.

He considers himself a life-long learner and he views Natural Replacements as a great opportunity to continue learning and expanding his knowledge on all things sustainability.


"My experience in eco-friendly products and general sustainability comes from embracing every life experience as a learning opportunity. Enjoy the trial and error, don't beat yourself up when you're wrong but rather use it to grow.

Meeting new people, going to farmer's markets, networking with other eco-friendly businesses, and countless hours of research have helped me grow."


Jim has a degree in business administration, with a focus in accounting as well as several digital marketing certifications.

Get in Touch

Jim Plonkey, Co-Founder

Articles by Jim

Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants For Your Rooms & Pets

February 6, 2023

Houseplants can have a ton of benefits. One of the primary benefits, other than looking amazing and being fun to have around, is improving air quality. Different varieties of plants can act as better air purifiers than others, so let’s take a look at some of the top options for…

What Does it Mean to Take a “Military Shower”?

January 21, 2023

A military or navy shower is a type of showering method that focuses on water conservation and minimal time use. The user will turn on the water just long enough to get wet, turn off the water while soaping up, and then turn it back on to rinse off. This…

What is Upcycling?

December 12, 2022

Upcycling at its core is creative reuse. It is an eco-friendly process of taking used or discarded items and transforming them into something of higher quality and value than the original item. Upcycling has become increasingly popular in recent years as it helps to reduce waste, conserve resources and create…

PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol): What It Is & Environmental Impact

December 8, 2022

Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Definition Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) is a biodegradable and water-soluble synthetic polymer used in a wide variety of different products and processes. Other acronyms that are commonly used to refer to polyvinyl alcohol include PVOH and PVAI. Properties of PVA Polyvinyl alcohol is an extremely versatile material, which…

Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas

November 2, 2022

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday to celebrate family, friends, accomplishments, and everything else in life that we’re grateful for. It also tends to be a holiday with abundance of food, people, and party supplies. How Wasteful Thanksgiving Can Be We don’t want to put a damper on the holiday and…

Eco-Friendly Home Checklists

October 30, 2022

Checklists are a great way to analyze how sustainable your home is, while also identifying areas where you can make your house more eco-friendly. We’ve put together several checklists for you to use in an effort to make your home more sustainable. These are just lists of some ideas, so…

Waste Production: Eco-Friendly Checklist

October 30, 2022

Direct production of garbage is the most obvious and often the most measurable area of improvement for most homes to become more sustainable. So many of us have grown up with poor sustainability habits, go-to products, and home set ups that we may not realize the harmful impacts of. Check…

Water: Eco-Friendly Checklist

October 30, 2022

When people think of making changes to be more eco-friendly, most people jump to glaring issues we have, like: Single-use plastics Disposable items Packaging waste Air pollution And while these are often main offenders, we believe that every bit counts. There are endless opportunities to improve the way that we…

Purchase: Eco-Friendly Checklist

October 29, 2022

There are many ways that you can get into more sustainable practices and improve the eco-friendliness of your home. While many of these opportunities would be things that you need to install or habits that you could form, arguably the category of opportunities requiring the least effort would be items…

Heating & Cooling: Eco-Friendly Checklist

October 21, 2022

Your home’s HVAC system and the way you go about regulating temperatures in your house can be very impactful to the environment. If you heat and cool your home in inefficient ways or create a situation where you have to use excessive energy to control the temperature, it won’t only…