Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas

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Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday to celebrate family, friends, accomplishments, and everything else in life that we’re grateful for. It also tends to be a holiday with abundance of food, people, and party supplies.

How Wasteful Thanksgiving Can Be

We don’t want to put a damper on the holiday and what should be such a joyful occasion. However, it’s important to be aware of the negative habits in terms of sustainability that we get into, so that we can identify and reverse them.

Here’s a short list of just a sample of tremendously wasteful things that occur on Thanksgiving.

  • Excessive leftovers being thrown in the trash
  • Disposable dishes and silverware
  • Plastic single-use decorations

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), about 200 million pounds of turkey meat gets thrown away after the holiday, which consists of enough resources to supply all of New York City with water for 100 days and a carbon footprint of 800,000 cars driving across the country from L.A. to Florida. [1]

There are many ways to go about preparing Thanksgiving festivities differently that can significantly reduce this waste and handle the leftovers we do have in a more environmentally-friendly way.

Consider even making eco-friendly your theme for this year’s party.

Planning a Less Wasteful Thanksgiving Dinner

A lot goes into planning Thanksgiving dinner. Our advice is to embrace the spirit of the holiday. Be grateful, joyful, and don’t overdo it. Simply trying to keep sustainability top of mind when you’re planning can make a big impact.

The most important thing is to make a plan in advance so you can anticipate how to handle different aspects of the holiday in the most efficient and thoughtful way.

Food Choices

Deciding on what foods to serve is a key area of making your Thanksgiving more sustainable. Many people have a habit of going over the top on dinner, which leads to excessive leftovers that often aren’t disposed of in the most effective way.

Thanksgiving Dinner Foods Tips

  • Everyone has their go-to Thanksgiving favorites. Try to pick the core items that everyone will enjoy and limit the foods that you anticipate to go largely untouched.
  • Think of portions and how many options you have. The more options you have to choose from, the less of each specific thing people will likely eat.
  • Try to get an accurate headcount in advance before you shop.

Serving Supplies

It can be tempting to take the easy way out and rely on disposable dishes and silverware when hosting a party. Especially with Thanksgiving, the last thing you want to do is a boatload of dishes after cooking all day, right?

Well, as tempting as it might be, those plastic forks and cups will take hundreds of years to break down in landfills. Use real dishware and silverware instead with these tips.

Thanksgiving Dinner Ware Tips

  • Recruit help with the dishes ahead of dinner. Work this into your plan so you have it covered and it’s not as stressful.
  • Use reusable paper towels to avoid paper waste from napkins.
  • Set up a clear area for trash, recycling, and compost so your guests know where things go.
  • Upgrade your dishwashing sustainability with supplies like our dish soap bars.

Thoughtful Handling of Thanksgiving Leftovers

For many, leftovers are an important part of Thanksgiving and that’s great! (We love leftovers too). Just be sure to prepare for having leftovers and make a plan for how you’ll use them.

Thanksgiving Leftovers Tips

  • Send your guests home with leftovers! They’ll all be full after dinner, so maybe ask them before you eat.
  • Ensure you have the supplies to enjoy your own leftovers – bread for sandwiches, tortillas for turkey wraps, etc.
  • Find a connection to donate any leftovers.

Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Decorations

In addition to all of the wonderful food and time with our loved ones, decorations are also key. Many of us don’t decorate for Thanksgiving as seriously as some people decorate for Halloween, but a little Autumn feel is nice.

The best part about that is there are so many natural things that can be used as decorations. Try to lean towards using these things over any mass produced, plastic, or single-use decorations.

  • Colorful Fall leaves (you can even get hole punches for them)
  • Pinecones
  • Pumpkins
  • Sustainable candles

Enjoy Your Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving!

With all of these tips in mind, we hope you have a wonderful and more sustainable Thanksgiving than ever before.

Article Sources ↓

Natural Replacements references research from industry experts and reputable industry publishers to support claims or data in our content when applicable. Learn more about our publishing standards and practices in our editorial guidelines.

  1. NRDC - A Thankful Feast, Not a Wasteful One
    Accessed: November 2, 2022

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Citations for This Article


Plonkey, Jim. (December 7, 2022). Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas. Natural Replacements. Retrieved October 5, 2024, from


Plonkey, Jim. "Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas." Natural Replacements,


Plonkey, Jim. "Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas." Natural Replacements, Last modified December 7, 2022.

Jim Plonkey

Jim Plonkey is a Co-founder of Natural Replacements. A digital marketing professional with a passion for sustainability, Jim lives in Southeast Michigan and enjoys traveling to new places, spending time outdoors - kayaking, hiking, and gardening, and yoga.

Content on the Natural Replacements is produced under the guidance of our editorial standards.

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